Wingman is an upcoming original comic about a superhero who learns that his entire life has been rewritten by a malevolent entity. 
Everyone hates Derek Newman. 
He’s awkward, irritating, and totally unlikable for some vague, unidentifiable reasons.
Unbeknownst to his peers, Derek is also WINGMAN, the self-proclaimed “coolest superhero in the world,” and the only person capable of flight—and everyone loves Wingman.
Wingman’s life is turned upside down when an interdimensional beast appears in his city. Left to his own devices, Wingman struggles to take down a vicious crime lord in the face of a looming threat… while it becomes increasingly obvious that his world doesn’t make sense.
"Well, that can't be good..."
"Well, that can't be good..."
Wingman in the Sun
Wingman in the Sun
December Devereux
December Devereux
Wingman Cartoon
Wingman Cartoon
Bubble Tea
Bubble Tea
Battle Concept
Battle Concept

Wingman Visual Development